Early Years Foundation
Our FS2 setting is a three class unit that provides an amazing environment to learn and 'Bring It'! These spaces are created using a Reggio Amelia approach allowing all the 'areas of learning' to be delivered in a zoned classroom layout design. Children develop personal, social and emotional skills by playing independently, exploring their own ideas and interests using a set of specially selected resources which make up our 'continuous provision' offer. Teachers enhance this provision with resources and activities linked to pupil interest and need to spark curiosity, intrigue and motivation to learn. Staff teach children during free flow sessions through the strategies of questioning, providing narrative, demonstrating, explaining, encouraging, setting challenges and modelling language.
Reading is at the heart of our EYFS curriculum. Listening to stories, poems and rhymes feeds children’s imagination, enhances their vocabulary and develops their comprehension. They engage in focused adult led teaching sessions during which staff impart knowledge and skills such as; phonics, writing, mathematics and understanding the world. Mathematics teaching is a key component of the EYFS curriculum. Children learn about; the cardinality of number, counting and ordering and the beginnings of calculation and measuring.
Through this balance of adult led teaching and Child Initiated Inquiry, the children are prepared for transition into Key Stage 1, reflecting the 'Bold Beginnings - OFSTED Report' findings.
Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.