The Trust employs secondary trained specialist PE teachers who coordinate all aspects of sport across the Trust. This ensures high quality PE lessons, a range of extra curricular clubs, access to competition and opportunities to watch elite sport.
Children develop their skills across a range of individual and team sports during their PE lessons.
All pupils in the Trust learn to swim a minimum of 25 metres by the end of Key Stage 2.
Extra-curricular clubs
Each Trust school runs after school sports clubs.
Competition & tournaments
All pupils are encouraged to take part in sporting competition. Each half term the Trust runs a sporting tournament for teams of KS1 & KS2 pupils from each of our schools. Children also take part in cross country races in the Autumn and Spring Term and a Grass Track Cycling Series in the summer.
Elite sport
Each term pupils have the opportunity to watch professional elite sport including; football, rugby, basketball, horse racing, and cricket. This affords them the opportunity to talk to and work with professional athletes.
Intent Statement:
At St Barnabas Trust, our vision is to encourage children to engage in a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of physical activity. Through Physical Education, the children are given many opportunities to practice and display some of our key Christian values of courage, adventure and togetherness. Our staff and children are enthusiastic about PE and this is shown through high quality teaching and learning. We pride ourselves in helping our children identify and grow their talents, whilst developing into confident and competent learners across a broad range of physical activities. This is achieved by providing our children with a broad, exciting and inclusive curriculum that inspires them to succeed and thrive in competitive sports and other physically-demanding outdoor activities. Our children are exposed to many sporting opportunities, including regular tournaments at both inter and intra school competitions and sporting festivals which support them in demonstrating sportsmanship and leadership values. In addition, our staff offer lunchtime and after-school clubs which contribute to the extensive range of physical activities on offer and further supports the children to flourish and thrive in a safe and happy environment. We firmly believe that PE is at the heart of a child’s health and well-being and continually work towards ensuring that health education is an integral part of the teaching of PE within our school.
To successfully embed our Physical Education values at schools within St Barnabas Trust, the staff and children are involved with the following:
Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
Providing each year group with 2 hours of fun and high quality PE lessons each week and encouraging children to take part in a minimum of 30 active minutes daily by providing a variety of activities.
Subject lead and teachers reference and discuss the effects and benefits of exercise on the body within lessons.
Having a well balanced menu for the children to choose from at lunchtimes and providing healthy snacks at break times for all children.
Looking at a healthy diet within Science lessons from Year 2 and identifying what types of food our body needs.
Increased participation in competitive sports through partnerships and internal resources.
Resources are audited on a regular basis and new resources for new sports are to be purchased through Sports Premium funding.
Reception children take part in outdoor learning and learn positive behaviours and teamwork.
All children have access to outdoor learning opportunities through Wild Tribe sessions, Outdoor Adventurous Activities lessons or other learning activities.
Range of extra curricular clubs and activities offered throughout the school to enhance physical activity opportunities.
Children are taken on extra curricular trips including Cycling, Climbing and Walking activities.
Children are exposed to Sports Clubs from external coaches and subject lead.
Our Physical Education curriculum is high quality and extensively planned to demonstrate progression throughout the years. We understand the wider importance of PE and our planning captures and supports the physical milestones of a child's motor and cognitive development. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Teachers assessments take place through observation during lessons to monitor progress, identify gaps and allow for teaching and learning to be adapted and targeted for all individuals.
Teachers make annual assessments of effort and achievement for each child as part of the child’s report to parents.
A curriculum map and curriculum provision map are in place to show the progressive stages the children access as they move through the school.
The subject leaders ensure that the PE curriculum is delivered to a high quality throughout the school through regular professional development meetings and training as well as lesson observations, monitoring visits and discussion with staff and pupils.
Pupil consultation is carried out on a termly basis with the student council to monitor the impact of PE and identify changes which need to be made for continuous improvement.
Take part in inter school competitions within the St Barnabas Multi Academy Trust to further develop fundamental skills and engage in further competition.
The school offers intra school competitions in school on a termly basis to observe the skills taught throughout one of the schemes of work for that term.