Design & Technology
At St Barnabas, we aim to provide all children with a curriculum which prepares them for life beyond primary education. We encourage them to be creative, to be imaginative, to be designers, to be relevant problem solvers and to consider the needs, wants and values of both themselves and others.
Design Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. It can be found in many of the objects children use each day and is a part of children’s immediate experiences. Design Technology encourages children to learn, to think, to intervene, to creatively solve problems and to evaluate outcomes, working independently and collaboratively. It develops perseverance and resilience.
At St Barnabas, the Design Technology curriculum combines skills progression, knowledge concepts and values to enable children to tackle real problems. Wherever possible, we aim to link learning to other disciplines across the curriculum, including mathematics, science, engineering and art. The children are encouraged to become innovators and risk takers.