
At St Barnabas Multi Academy Trust our children are curious about the world and how it works. They question, enquire, query and probe to make discoveries and figure things out. They develop their scientific enquiry skills to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science, journeying through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In their investigations and discoveries, they learn respect for the materials and equipment they handle with regard to their own, and other children’s safety, and communicate their findings using a range of methods, in a systematic, scientific manner. In this way our children find awe, wonder, excitement, enthusiasm and enjoyment in their scientific learning and discovery developing their scientific capital; supporting them today and in the future. 

“Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge” Stephen Hawking


The acquisition of key scientific knowledge and enquiry skills are an integral part of our science lessons. Linked knowledge organisers and schemas enable children to learn and retain key concepts, knowledge and tier 3 technical vocabulary. The progression of disciplinary skills for working scientifically are developed across the years and are taught alongside substantive knowledge that follows the National Curriculum utilising CLEAPSS guidance. 

Our curriculum is adaptive so that all learners needs are met across the MAT and within our unique settings.  Our teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science. We create an environment where children can ‘Bring it!’ by being curious, creative, courageous and where all children are inspired in their collaborative and independent learning. 

Our curriculum is progressive. We build upon the learning and skill development of the previous years, which is tested through our ‘quizlet’s’ where teachers can identify misconceptions that need addressing based on prior learning. 

Teachers create a stimulating and engaging environment that allows the learner to focus on learning and develop an inquisitive and scientific mindset; this includes interactive continuous provision displays which includes the schema, key vocabulary, knowledge organiser, big question, examples of children’s work - photos and written work, high quality, up to date non fiction books linked to the unit, practical equipment that could be part of an ongoing investigation or could include equipment for interacting with e.g. microscopes or gemstones with magnifying glasses, information about the unit including keywords, questions to inspire thinking and Bring it! Homework. 

Science lessons include practical investigation, questioning at all levels of Bloom’s to challenge children and that Rosenshine’s principles are embedded in teachers’ pedagogy. Teaching is adaptive to meet the needs of all learners. Within a unit children will always experience a ‘Wow’ moment where children apply the skills they have learnt to make their science learning memorable. Children are encouraged to ask questions and explore their ideas. 

We inspire children to be aspirational through the promotion of science capital, enrichment days, such as ‘science week’ and ‘women in science day’, and visits from experts in the field  - we promote the profile of science and allow time for the children to freely explore scientific concepts.


Children have acquired key scientific knowledge and enquiry skills in an integrated way. They are able to apply skills to any practical situation or scientific challenge. Our children are curious, creative, courageous and confident in their science. They are risk takers, inspired to work collaboratively or independently.

Children understand the importance of referencing the work of others and building on scientific discoveries to follow their own queries. Children are encouraged to recognise misconceptions and question their ideas as well as the ideas of others. They are taught to be critical thinkers which is vital in this time of fake news and misinformation.

Our children develop an inquisitive and scientific mindset. They work in a focussed and safe manner with an awareness of hazards and safety precautions in practical work. Our children have high expectations for themselves in their classwork and aspirations for the future. They are aware of a wide range of careers in science and its importance in non-scientific roles as well as having an understanding of our changing world. 

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