Contact us

St Petroc's Church of England Primary School

Athelstan Park, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL31 1DS

Tel: 01208 72526 (for enquiries/visits to the school)


To report an absence please call 01208 72526 and press option 1 or email or dojo the Attendance Team.                    

Head Teacher: Mr. S. Perfect. (contact via Ms Oggier below)

Ms Oggier is the point of contact for queries from parents and members of the public. She can be contacted via 01208 72526 or  Ms Oggier can also provide a paper copy of any information on the school's website free of charge. 

Ms C Chapman is the special educational needs co-ordinator and can be contacted at 01208 72526 or via

Anya Gray is our Chair of Governors and can be contacted via

Complaints including complaints from parents of children with SEN about the support provided by the school should be directed via Ms Oggier in the first instance.

Trust website: St Barnabas MAT 

St Barnabas Multi Academy Trust - Lake Lane, Liskeard, Cornwall, PL14 3DE.  Company no: 08669464

Tel: 01752 874 652 | Email

The St Barnabas Multi Academy Trust (MAT) was established in December 2013 under the umbrella of 'Askel Veur', the Diocese of Truro Academies Company. 

For further information about our Sponsor, Askel Veur, the Diocese of Truro, contact

The Old Cathedral School
Cathedral Close,
Truro TR1 2FQ

Telephone 01872 274 351.

Contact Us